2nd Coast Artillery 12th Coast Artillery Coast Artillery School

map copyright © 2004 AFN







a 19th Century fort

a 17th Century fort

Base-End Towers ( T )

Each of the above sites
serve as individual home pages

"I Defend the First Gateway"
Other major bases from the World War II period included:
(1) Camp Eustis [Fort Eustis]
(2) Langley Field [Langley Air Force Base]
(3) Fleet Combat Training Center [NAS Oceana - Dam Neck Annex]
(4) Oceana Naval Air Station
(5) Naval Operations Base [Norfolk Naval Station & Norfolk Naval Air Station]
(6) Norfolk Naval Shipyard
(7) Nansemond Naval Ordnance Depot [Tidewater Community College]
(8) Military Marine Terminals [Norfolk International Terminals]
(9) Camp Ashby - Prisoner of War Camp [residential & commercial]
N 36°50.643 W076°07.209

246th Coast Artillery
Coast Artillery (1920's - 1930's):
12th - Fort Monroe/Fort Wool
51st (155mm Towed) - Fort Monroe/Camp Buchanan PR
52nd - Fort Monroe
61st (Anti-Aircraft) - Fort Monroe/Fort Sheridan IL

Coast Artillery (1940's):
Coast Artillery Board - Fort Monroe
Coast Artillery School - Fort Monroe
Submarine Depot - Fort Monroe
3rd Coast Artillery District Command - Fort Monroe
2nd Coast Artillery - Panama/Fort Monroe/Little Creek/Fort Story/Camp Rucker AL
42nd (Railway) - Fort Monroe
46th - Camp Pendleton
52nd (Railway) - Fort Custis/Fort Hancock NJ/Fort Miles DE
57th (Temporary) - Fort Monroe/Camp Pendleton
69th (Anti-Aircraft) - Fort Story/Fort Monroe/Fort Crockett TX
70th (Anti-Aircraft) - Fort Monroe/Fort Screven GA/Fort Moultrie SC
503rd/71st (Anti-Aircraft) - Fort Monroe/Fort Story
504th/74th (Anti-Aircraft) - Fort Monroe/Camp Pendleton
175th (HDCB) - Fort Monroe/Fort Story
213th PA NG - Camp Pendleton/Camp Stewart GA
244th NY NG - Camp Pendleton/Fort Macon NC
246th VA NG (Harbor Defense) - Fort Monroe/Fort Story/Fort Custis & Fishermans Island
Mine Planter/Cable Ship USAMP General John M. Schofield - Fort Monroe/Little Creek

Third District Command

Third Service Command

Coast Artillery School
There were two searchlight positions on Fishermans Island, two on Smith Island, one near Fort Custis, one at the Cheapside Tower on the Eastern Shore, four at Fort Story, four along the Virginia Beach oceanfront, one at Oceanview in Norfolk, and three at Fort Monroe, and two at Fort Wool.

Coast Artillery Corps
Minefields & Nets:
418 controlled mines were laid. Two lines across the main channel off Cape Henry, and two lines across the main channel near Thimble Shoals Lighthouse. 365 contact mines were laid by the Navy reaching from Cape Charles to the Army's line near Cape Henry. In addition, an anti-motor torpedo boat net was installed, connected at Willoughby Spit and the northern part of Old Point Comfort. The HECP at Fort Monroe controlled the gate to the net. A second net was intalled at the entrance to the York River.
"Always Prepared"
52nd Coast Artillery (Railway)
"The Way to the Stars is not Easy"
61st Coast Artillery (Anti-Aircraft)

USGS Satellite Images of Hampton Roads Harbor
courtesy of Microsoft TerraServer

See also North American Fortifications

I wish to thank the Director of the Old Coast Guard Station Museum for helping me make this website a reality.

About Us

Potomac River Defenses for Washington D.C.
Baltimore Harbor Defenses
Harbor Defenses of the Delaware
North Carolina Coastal Defenses - Cape Fear
North Carolina Coastal Defenses - Outer Banks

Contributions of historical material and photographs are greatly appreciated!
This website is an ongoing project. We are always learning something new,
and we would like all to share in any new information that is gathered.
Thank you, and enjoy!

North American Fortifications
©2005 American Forts Network

This is the same site that was once hosted on
until Yahoo! pulled the plug in October 2009.
Nothing else has changed.

Hampton Roads Links

The following links are provided as a service to you, the reader, for your enjoyment. No endorsement or affiliation is implied or suggested.

The Daily Press Newspaper

The Virginian-Pilot Newspaper


The Mariners' Museum

NAUTICUS - The National Maritime Center

Battleship USS Wisconsin BB-64

Naval Tour & Info Center

Norfolk Naval Shipyard

USCG Atlantic Area & Fifth District Headquarters

Jamestown Settlement & Yorktown Victory Center

Colonial National Historic Park

The Old Coast Guard Station Museum

Chesapeake Chapter, US Lighthouse Society

Other Related Links

Council on America's Military Past (CAMP)


Civil War Fortification Study Group

Company of Military Historians

Site O - International Fortifications & Artillery Study Group